Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The mailman brought me a Dum-Dum(R) today, a cherry cola Dum-Dum(R). We have a great government-postal service and client relationship. Everyday around noontime he trots on in with the mail, delivering numerous surveys and misc mail paraphernalia and most days I'm sitting here at the desk, ready to recieve "The Bundle."

Actually, he's a really jocular mailman. He seems to find something to pick on me about everyday. Typically it's something to do with my hair or my dress. Right, the mailman, picking on what I look like! Two things though:

  1. My hair is of the curly/messy wave tress-type. This means that the time spent on my hair in the morning is less than the time I spend brushing my teeth. I frankly just don't care sometimes. Most times I just pop out of the shower, put some "product" (aka gel/mousse), run a comb through it and leave. Three options for "doing" my hair exist. The ponytail (low or high), the braid (French or single), or just letting it rest in whatever curly/wavy state it may be in.
  2. We have a very low key office environment. When I first started here, I dressed business everyday. The problem was that no one else did. By dressing business everyday, (ok, biz casual) I created a division between myself and the others. In essence I gave off the vibe that I was "better" than them, more sophisticated, and much more serious. This lasted maybe a month. I gave in to my co-workers passive aggressive dressing tendencies and have now joined the ranks of the jeans and hoodie wearing mob. I would like to point out though that I do dress biz cas quite a bit... usually... like once a week.. or semi-monthly.

The mailman does not agree with me. Everyday it's the same thing (unless he catches me on my semi-monthly biz cas day), "Gosh, look at you, what is this?" Essentially he means I'm a mess. When I do manage to braid my hair or put it up, I get the following, "Well finally! It's about time you started looking like you're working! Now all you have to do is dress like it!"

When I manage to put on some dress pants or a button down top, I get this, "See, now you're talking, now it really looks like you're doing something... except you're goofing off on the Internet. Gosh, what do they pay you for?!" And then he has the audacity to question mail I'm sending out!

Today though, Mr. Postman brought me a Dum-Dum(R). I think it's really neat that in some precious way, he is trying to do his best to make sure I'm doing my best.

I think I'll wear my hoodie tomorrow. Rebel me.

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